


Ed Sheeran - Save Myself


[Verse 1]
我給了我所有的氧氣 給那些原本就會呼吸的人
I gave all my oxygen to people that could breathe
我捐獻了所有的金錢 但此刻我們卻沈默不語
I gave away my money and now we don't even speak
為你 我駛過千里 但你為了我做同樣的事嗎
I drove miles and miles, but would you do the same for me?
噢 認真嗎
Oh, honestly?
Offered off my shoulder just for you to cry upon
給了你一個闢護所 只為讓你感到溫暖
Gave you constant shelter and a bed to keep you warm
他們讓我心痛 我只用一首歌作為回報
They gave me the heartache and in return I gave a song
It goes on and on
生活讓你感到失落 而我只是麻木了心
Life can get you down so I just numb the way it feels
我配著一杯水 飲盡數顆過期的藥丸
I drown it with a drink and out-of-date prescription pills
所有過去愛我的人 現在卻都離我而去
And all the ones that love me they just left me on the shelf
No farewell
我學到   在拯救別人前   我必須先救自己
So before I save someone else, I've got to save myself
[Verse 2]
我花了所有的精力陪著你 帶走你的傷痛
I gave you all my energy and I took away your pain
因爲人生 注定要情感流露或浪費耗盡
'Cause human beings are destined to radiate or drain
過去我們是站在哪條線上的 現在回頭看似乎沒差別
What line do we stand upon, 'cause from here it looks the same
And only scars remain
生活會讓你傷心 但我只是麻痺了感覺
Life can get you down so I just numb the way it feels
飲下所有憂愁 配著水與過期藥丸
I drown it with a drink and out-of-date prescription pills
過去愛我的那些人呀 現在都離開了
And all the ones that love me they just left me on the shelf
No farewell
在幫助別人之前 先幫助自己一把吧
So before I save someone else, I've got to save myself
[Verse 3]
But if don't
Then I'll go back
To where I'm rescuing a stranger
只因為他們需要幫助 就這麼簡單
Just because they needed saving just like that
嘿 我又回來了
Oh, I'm here again
Between the devil and the danger
But I guess it's just my nature
My dad was wrong
'Cause I'm not like my mum
她微笑地擁抱世界 而我卻是唱著歌抱怨
'Cause she'd just smile and I'm complaining in a song
But it helps
So before I save someone else
I've got to save myself
生活將你打倒在地 而我只是淡化了所有
Life can get you down so I just numb the way it feels
我配著酒麻醉一切 配著幾顆過期藥丸
I drown it with a drink and out-of-date prescription pills
以前愛過我的人 現在卻都將我拋在後頭
And all the ones that love me they just left me on the shelf
No farewell
所以 在我幫助某人之前 我必須先將自己救出
So before I save someone else, I've got to save myself
在我責罵別人之前 我必須先看看自己有沒有做到
And before I blame someone else, I've got to save myself
在我愛別人之前 我必須先學會愛自己
And before I love someone else, I've got to love myself
翻譯by 賽特斯泰爾 Seth Styles 

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